Lettuce: Nutrition and Health Benefits


Lettuce is a verdant green plant that is frequently utilized for plates of mixed greens, despite the fact that it is additionally seen in different sorts of food like soups, sandwiches and wraps and furthermore it can flame broiled. Additionally, it has likewise accumulated strict and therapeutic importance over hundreds of years of human utilization.


1. According to USDA, per 100g of Lettuce contain 15 calories of energy.

2. It also carry Carbohydrate (2.9g), Protein (1.4g) and a low amount of Fat (0.2g).

3. Besides, lettuce contain different vitamins and minerals including- Vitamin (A, B, C, E, K), Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium etc.

Health Benefits:

1. Lettuce contain antioxidants including- Zeaxanthin and Vitamin-C that prevent you from cancer.

2. Lettuce is a good source of Vitamin-K and help you to strengthen your bone.
3. Lettuce contain Vitamin-C that prevents Vitamin-C deficiency and boost your immune system.

4. Lettuce is a very good source of Vitamin A and help to protect your eyesight.
5. Because of having lower calories, lettuce will help you to control your weight.

6. Moreover, lettuce may help you to protect from Alzheimer's disease.

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