Saint Christopher Shares “Colina” Single

 Today, Saint Christopher — the project of Los Angeles musician Christopher Kalil (formerly of Arms Akimbo) — shares his debut LP, Pop Shit. Described as an honest portrayal of the ups and downs of functioning withIN the music industry and creating while popular culture is constantly changing, Pop Shit aims to be a genuinely great un-ironic pop record, and that aim is fully achieved.

Speaking about his new record’s focus track and final single, “Colina,” Chris wrote:

“Every pop album needs a sappy love ballad, I don’t make the rules. One of those songs where you stop playing it cool and just dive head-first into the corny, by-the-numbers, Hallmark version of love. Sometimes there’s still some truth in the platitudes. The message of Colina is simple: life sucks but love is beautiful. When the bad times come it’s better to go through them together.”

On his new LP and the idea behind it, he continued:

“The music industry that I grew up believing in is completely and totally dead. The path we were told to follow has been razed completely and all of the money is long gone. The best advice from industry professionals has devolved into hustle culture nonsense where they swap the word ‘entrepreneur’ with ‘artist.’

Since when do all these musicians make sketch comedy videos? What the hell is going on? Where is the music??? Last year, my frustration boiled over. I had quit the band I had been a part of for seven years and pretty much tore my life down to the ground floor. 

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