Fig: Nutrition and Health Benefits

The fig is an edible fruit native to the Mediterranean and western Asia. Cultivated since ancient times, it is now widely cultivated throughout the world, both for its fruit and as an ornamental plant.

Figs can be eaten fresh or dried, or processed into jam, rolls, cookies and other types of desserts. Since the ripe fruit does not transport or store well, most commercial production is in dried and processed forms. Raw figs contain roughly 80% water and 20% carbohydrates, with negligible protein, fat and micronutrients. They are a moderate source of fiber.


1. Per 40g of Fig contain 30 calories of energy.

2. It also carry Carbohydrate (8g) and
0 Protein and Fat.

3. Fig is rich in different Vitamins and Minerals including- Vitamin (A, B, C, E, K), Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Copper etc.

Health Benefits:

  • Fig reduce high blood pressure as it is rich in Potassium.
  • This fruit may improve bone density as it contain Calcium and Potassium.
  • It promotes digestive health.
  • Eating fig may improve vascular and heart health.
  • It may promote healthy skin.
  • Antioxidants in fig (Phenolic acid, Flavonoids, Vitamin C) helps to prevent Cancer, Inflammation and seasonal flu. 

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